Tuesday, June 28, 2011

And so, it has reached completion.

The coffin lid reproduction was a fun project, and has finally reached it's completion. We photographed the lid in the old Cedar Grove Cemetery, with some headstones dating back to 1813. It was a beautiful evening, and the graveyard was empty save for an artistic looney. The pictures turned out very well, and for the first time I have seen, the mausoleum doors were open. The atmosphere was perfect for the photographing. Enjoy.

Friday, June 24, 2011

More breaking news on the coffin lid.

1st photo - Taken after the application of aging copper alcohol ink.
2nd photo - Close-up of the ink.
3rd photo - Darkly beautiful picture of the lid after the hand-painting of the designs, with the cross setting atop it.
4th photo - The lid after the detail was applied, and the cross was removed.
5th photo - Close-up of the detail.
6th photo - Another shot of the lid with the cross atop it.
7th photo - The back of the lid was painted black to assure accuracy of the original design.
8th photo - Close-up of the black designs on the original coffin box lid.

Next up: Attaching the cross, aging and attaching the hinges, adding the hanging device, and attaching the lace. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Staining the coffin in blood.

And so, the production of the coffin lid continues. In the first photo, we had finally cut the wooden edges at the proper angles, and were adhering them with wood glue and nails. Clamps were used to keep them in place during the securing process. Next came the first coat of stain, which I hand-blended and applied with a small brush to assure an even coat. While it was drying, it looked much like a bloody massacre. The final photo shows the results after five coats of stain. Upon completely drying, it was a bit lighter in color and perfectly matches the original coffin box. Next: Aging the coffin lid with alcohol ink.

Monday, June 6, 2011

I've come to the conclusion retail is the devil. It's often tempting to get rid of my house and worldly possessions, and join a cactus-worshiping hippie commune in the desert.

The completion of the cross, and the cutting of the coffin.

Hours spent huddled over a black cross, encrusting it with tiny black shimmering gems... It's strange how a person can have no patience for some things, and all the patience in the world for others. The cross is finally completed, using glass and acrylic gems of various sizes and shapes throughout the entirety of it. After much perfecting, resizing, rescaling, and checking measurements over and over, the coffin lid has finally been cut and is ready for painting.

Another crocheted piece...

Crocheting has become an compulsive behavior. Link: http://www.etsy.com/listing/75496658/gothic-victorian-steampunk-swarovski

Friday, June 3, 2011

The result of crocheting with wire.

Crocheting with wire is an entrancing experience. Your fingers and elbows ache from the manuvering and effort, but you can't stop because the repetition is a drug to your brain. When you are done, there is an irregular lace in your hands, something with the delicate appeal of finer things...But a durability that is unparalled by simple thread. This is one of Kelley of MirrorIrorriM's latest undertakings, and it is available for purchase here: http://www.etsy.com/listing/75354008/gothic-victorian-ice-blue-swarovski

Thursday, June 2, 2011


We just received our first custom order. It is for a four foot reproduction of the lid from our Vintage Inspired Coffin Trinket Box. It will be made in a way where one can hang it upon their wall as a decoration. We will be posting pictures of the process. This is a reserved order, but if you would like a reproduction of your own - please send us a request: http://www.etsy.com/convo_new.php?to_username=MirrorIrorriM&subject=Custom+Item+Request .